I’ve decided to record an album. Actually, I’ve decided to record several albums, but I’m going to start with one. I am a slave to inertia though, so I’m easing myself into this. I’ve done the one-man-band thing in the past, and that usually means I only have myself to blame when things don’t turn out like I’d hoped.
This time will be different.
Basically, I’m assembling the Dan Taylor Supergroup. I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of playing with a lot of really talented musicians over the years, and this is going to be a love-letter to them in many ways. I’ll write more about each of my special guests at some point, but for now I’ll just say that they’re each selected because of what they can do, and mainly it’s what I can’t.
They complete me.
This first album is going to be a selection of “standards” – songs I’ve had for years that I felt would benefit from this sort of treatment. My hope is that by writing about the process in a public manner, I’ll accomplish two things – I’ll think a little more about what I’m doing, and I’ll be shamed into finishing the thing if I get slack.
So, this is how it’s going to be then? I guess it is.