Upon further review, it seems that the monitor that blew is actually not the one I just had repaired – it was the replacement I’d gotten for the first one that died. So, that makes 3 dead monitors in the span of two years. Not a good track record. I’ve got a new set on the way (from a different manufacturer), thanks in no small part to finally receiving my state income tax return.
Drum tracking is almost finished. There’s only one more song to record, and two more to re-record. That includes the addition of another song to the mix – Corporate Rock – which we recorded last night.  Like most of the others, I wrote the music and James wrote lyrics, but I actually brought this song to Blue Dot, my old band, and we played it a few times live and recorded a version for our album that has yet to see the light of day. As such, I wasn’t planning on including it, but James talked me into it. I wasn’t totally pleased with the Blue Dot recording, so I’m glad to have another shot at this, and I think the complaints I had have been addressed. If not, it’s my own fault.
We also finally recorded Sunday Best. It was one I thought might wind up being the hardest, and in some ways it has been, but I think all the work that Kevin and I have done on it has paid off. I’m pretty excited about this one. I’ve been listening to the bass and drums mix all morning.
Chunk, release some dnb tracks later – I’m a sucker for hearing how songs come together and stuff. I’m curious to hear what you’ve got going on. I’m recording an EP currently, and I’m curious to hear what you’ve got going on.