This is becoming a theme. Blah blah, progress being made, OH WAIT HIGH PROFILE GIG, that was fun, now try to recapture momentum…
This time, it was again a PAX. PAX Prime in Seattle, to be exact. I really kind of thought I’d be used to this by now as this is the 5th one Metroid Metal has done, but this one was no less hectic and exciting. I’m not as nervous as I was for the first couple, but I somehow managed to not actually go to the expo itself. I spent most of the time either at our table or at the venue. I did get a little hang-out time and that was cool. Actually, one of my favorite parts about this one was an increased sense of camaraderie between all the bands. I really appreciated and enjoyed that. But now it’s back to the real world and that means trying to get back into the groove of recording this album.
By my count, there are 6 songs with drums recorded. Most of them have at least a scratch bass track recorded, and one of them has guitar and vocals! I’ve got several more songs in the works, and it’s just a matter of getting them practiced and recorded. Kevin has been unavailable lately (at least when I’ve been available) but things are in flux in his world, so hopefully it’ll all settle down soon enough.
The good thing about being away from all these songs for a little while is they’re exciting and fresh now that I’ve come back to them. The bad thing is I may have forgotten how to play a couple of them.
Go Dan, we believe in you!